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Air Creebec Increases the Pace of its Aerial Services in its Territory

In Québec, with the increasing demand and requests received, it is Air Creebec’s intent to start a limited scheduled service to the Cree Nations from Montréal and going through Val-d’Or the week of August 24th, 2020. Currently, the plan is to offer 3 flights per week to the communities to accommodate their needs for essential travel only. The schedule will be updated on Air Creebec’s website. For Abitibi, the region should be relieved by the only commercial flight to connect Val-d’Or to Montreal. In Ontario, a few flights are offered between Timmins and Moosonee and the pace will increase as per the communities needs as well.
Last March, wishing to work with its shareholders to assist with the control of the pandemic for the safety of the communities, its employees and its passengers, Air Creebec decided to discontinue its regular scheduled flights. However, Air Creebec continued essential services in collaboration with its partners, such as health authorities, mining sites and others.
Recently, on the Québec side, the government bodies have cautiously loosened the restrictions in place. After discussions with the Cree Health Board and Public Health, Air Creebec recognizes that there is some essential travel required, such as other medical personnel, workers for urgent community needs and, in some instances, families reuniting.
As per Matthew Happyjack, President of Air Creebec, “The health and safety of our passengers, clients and employees is Air Creebec’s primary goal and we are not willing to sacrifice this for financial reasons.”
In the months since the quarantine has been in effect, and along with guidance from the authorities such as Transport Canada, Public Health and the Federal, Provincial and Cree governments, Air Creebec has undertaken many new initiatives to ensure the safety of our passengers and employees. Such initiatives include an increased disinfection protocol of our aircraft and offices using new technologies, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing standards inline with guidance with regulatory bodies and many others. To this effect, we have our “ACI Resumption of Suspended Operations Plan” available for review on our website, which summarizes our vision of how Air Creebec can safely resume operations. As well, questions or concerns are welcome by email to [email protected].
“Air Creebec understands that each community has its individual vision and we are doing our utmost to respect and comply with it by adjusting its schedule accordingly”, expressed Tanya Pash, Chief Operating Officer.
Air Creebec’s mailboxes and telephone services remain active for any questions, and more information is updated on our Facebook page/, or at
We look forward to welcoming you on board again.


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