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Regional Air Access Program (RAAP)

Val-d’Or, May 31st, 2022 – When the Quebec Minister of Transport initially announced that a program would be available to help relaunch the aviation transportation industry, it was only natural that we would take part in it. Indeed, Air Creebec has been there to provide essential regional service from the beginning of the covid 19 pandemic. In addition, Air Creebec has been an active participant in discussions with MTQ on searching for a solution on the relaunch of the regional aviation sector from the start.

Air Creebec is pleased to announce its participation in the Regional Air Access Program which will debut June 1st, 2022. The team has been working tirelessly for the past several weeks to make sure that our systems and employees are ready for the RAAP launch.

Air Creebec is optimistic that this $500.00 round-trip airfare will encourage former air travellers to return which will then help the air travel industry relaunch. Air Creebec would like to thank the Quebec government for this initiative regarding the RAAP.

“Air Creebec would like to encourage all travellers to take advantage of this great pricing opportunity provided by the government of Quebec.”

“The only way this program will be successful is by everyone taking part and advantage to its full potential “stated the President of Air Creebec, Matthew A. Happyjack

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