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Îsmein N52 13 35 W78 31 21 //15W

Eastmain (Cree: ᐄᔅᒣᐃᓐ/Îsmein) is a Cree community located on James Bay at the mouth of the Eastmain River, Quebec. It is a small coastal Cree village with a population of 767 people at the 2011 census.  Its alternate Cree name is ᐙᐸᓅᑖᐤ/Wâpanûtâw, meaning Lands east of James Bay.

Like the other coastal villages on Hudson and James Bay, Eastmain also started out as a Hudson’s Bay Company trading post, originally called East Main House.

Eastmain is accessible by air and by car over a gravel road linking it to the James Bay Road.

The Eastmain community was greatly affected by the James Bay Project, which saw 90% of the Eastmain River diverted to the La Grande River in 1980.

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