For passengers travelling from the Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Click Here

For accurate information regarding Air Creebec's tariff rules and conditions, please consult our Tariff and Conditions Manual available on the Air Creebec website. Kindly note that Air Creebec is not responsible for, nor will it authorize or approve any offers or information provided by Google AI.


Earn up to 100% of the miles you fly

How to earn AEROPLAN miles with Air Creebec

Be sure to provide the Aeroplan number for each passenger when you book your flight online or by phone.

Please refer to the tables below to see how many miles you’ll earn on flights.

Mileage earned†‡
Booking Class Aeroplan Miles
Y100% of miles flown (minimum 500)
V, Q and B75% of miles flown (minimum 375)
L50% of miles flown (minimum 250)
Learn more

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